State University Department of Geology
Because of copyright restrictions, these slide and overhead
transparency files are password protected and limited to use by
students enrolled in Geology classes at Humboldt State University
Lecture Slides: Surface
- Sheet
and rill erosion -- sheetwash and rilling in the badlands of
South Dakota
- Sheet
and gully erosion -- sheetwash and gullying in uplifted lake
sediments in Death Valley
- Sheet,
rill and gully erosion -- sheetwash and gullying on strip mine
debris, Illinos
- Sheetwash
erosion -- sheetwash erosion in overgrazed area, New
- Overgrazing
-- effects of overgrazing and trampling, Marin Co.,
- Gully
headcut -- gully headcut showing position of water table and
hydrophilic vegetation, Upper South Branch Lone Tree Cr., Marin
Co., CA
- Gully
erosion -- small gully caused by concentration of water from
road onto slope. Chalk Mtn., Lake Co. CA
- Gully
erosion -- undercut gully headcut at downslope end of gully in
previous slide. Chalk Mtn., Lake Co. CA
- Gully
erosion -- view downstream from head of large gully, Chalk
Mtn., Lake Co. CA
- Gully
erosion -- view up large gully of previous slide, Chalk Mtn.,
Lake Co. CA
- Gully
headcuts -- headcuts of gully tributary to Arroyo Teuque,
- Arroyo
-- Arroyo Tesuque, a very large gully in NM. The cutting of the
arroyo has lowered the water table under the higher ground to
either side.
[top of page] [runoff
Andre Lehre
Last updated: 13 November 2001