Michelle Selvans

Visiting Assistant Professor

Michelle Selvans is a planetary geophysicist, curriculum design expert, and tenured faculty at Clovis Community College in Fresno, CA. Her doctorate at the California Institute of Technology included mapping internal layers of the north polar cap on Mars, and icebreaker field work to study the West Antarctic Rift Zone. She was part of NASA's MESSENGER Science Team during her postdoc at the National Air and Space Museum, studying multi-kilometer-tall faults on Mercury. She then did what she calls her "second postdoc" at UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science, developing nationally-acclaimed K-8 science curriculum. She is Co-PI on a NASA grant with members of the Europa Clipper Science Team: Clovis Students Map Europa Bands to Investigate Ice Shell Evolution, and Co-PI on a National Science Foundation grant with a focus on designing and assessing project-based, place-based curriculum: Building Opportunity through Networks of Discovery in the Geosciences.


Fall 2024:

GEOL 109/L: General Geology & Lab 

GEOL 306/L: General Geomorphology & Lab