Andre Lehre
Professor Emeritus
My chief interests are the mechanics of surface processes: hillslope erosion, hillslope hydrology, channel dynamics, sediment transport, and sediment budgets. While my earlier work was mostly on sediment budgets and hillslope sediment routing, in recent years I have concentrated primarily on channel processes. Currently I am working on problems relating to the effects of gravel mining on rivers and the flows necessary to maintain riparian ecosystems.
Specialty Area
Geomorphology, hydrology, hillslope processes, fluvial processes
Lehre, A.K. and R. Klein, 1995, General recommendations for gravel extraction monitoring: Humboldt County Mad River Scientific Design and Review Committee report, 6 October 1995, 6 p.
Lehre, A.K., 1993, Hoopa Reservation gravel resource evaluation: in Lehre, A.K. and S.M. Burcell, Gravel resource evaluation and preliminary market economic feasibility analysis for a sand & gravel plant on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation: Hoopa Valley Tribal Council, Hoopa, CA, p. 1-75.
Lehre, A.K., 1993, Estimation of Mad River Gravel Recruitment and Analysis of Channel Degradation, in Program Environmental Impact Report on Gravel Removal from the Lower Mad River, Vol II, Appendices, April 1993: Humboldt County Planning and Building Dept., Appendix F, Section 3, p. 1-31.
Lehre, A.K., 1993, Effects of Gravel Extraction on Groundwater, in Program Environmental Impact Report on Gravel Removal from the Lower Mad River, Vol II, Appendices, April 1993: Humboldt County Planning and Building Dept., Appendix F, Section 4, p. 1-4.
Higgins, C.G, B. Hill, and A.K. Lehre, 1990, Gully development, in C. Higgins, ed., Groundwater Geomorphology, Geological Society of America Special Paper.252, p. 139-155.
Lehre, A.K., 1987, Rates of soil creep on colluvium-mantled hillslopes in north-central California, in R.L. Beschta, T. Blinn, G.E. Grant, F.J. Swanson, and G.G. Ice, eds., Erosion and Sedimentation in the Pacific Rim, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IASH) Publication No. 165, p. 91-100.
Dengler, L., A.K. Lehre, and C. Wilson, 1987, Bedrock geometry of unchannelized valleys, in R.L. Beschta, T. Blinn, G.E. Grant, F.J. Swanson, and G.G. Ice, eds.: Erosion and Sedimentation in the Pacific Rim, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IASH) Publication No. 165, p. 81-90.
Lehre, A.K., and G. Carver, 1985, Thrust faulting and earthflows: speculations on the sediment budget of a tectonically active drainage basin, in M.E. Savina, ed.: American Geomorphological Field Group Field Trip Guidebook 1985 Conference, p. 169-183.
Lehre, A.K., B. Collins, and T. Dunne, 1983, Post-eruption sediment budget for the North Fork Toutle River drainage, June 1980-May 1981: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementenband 46, p. 143-163.
Collins, B., A.K. Lehre, and T. Dunne, 1983, Erosion of tephra-covered hillslopes north of Mt. St. Helens, Washington: May 1980-May 1981: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementenband 46, p. 103-121.
Lehre, A.K., 1982, Sediment Budget of a small Coast Range drainage basin in north&endash;central California, in F.J. Swanson, R.J. Janda, T. Dunne, and D.N. Swanston eds., Sediment Budgets and Routing in Forested Drainage Basins: U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station General Technical Report PNW&endash;141, p. 67-77.