Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.
Faculty Melanie Michalak Geology Melanie Michalak, Assistant Professor of Geology, recently published a paper with co-authors in the peer-reviewed, Geological Society of America journal "Lithosphere." The paper, entitled "(U-Th)/He thermochronology records late Miocene accelerated cooling in the north-central Peruvian Andes," investigates the relationship between large-scale tectonics and long-term climate changes reflected in the morphology and rock uplift of the Peruvian Andes Mountains. doi:10.1130/L485.1
Submitted: March 23, 2016Faculty Lori Dengler, Amanda Admire Geology Geology Professor Lori Dengler and Lecturer Amanda Admire presented talks at the 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Prague, Czech Republic
Submitted: June 29, 2015Faculty Lori Dengler Geology Lori Dengler is the co-editor and contributor to the 2nd edition of UNESCO's International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide. For more, visit
Submitted: August 29, 2014Faculty Lori Dengler Geology Geology Professor Lori Dengler has been named Chair of the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) Advisory Committee. CISN is the system that integrates the data inputs from the USGS, California Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, Caltech Seismo Lab, and the California Geological Survey into a seamless interface for rapid dissemination of earthquake information to a broad spectrum of users. CISN software packages are designed for first responders, emergency managers, and critical lifeline organizations. In the next decade, CISN will be taking the lead in implementation of California's Earthquake Early Warning System. More information about CISN is at
Submitted: May 13, 2014Faculty Lori Dengler Geology Geology Professor Lori Dengler will present the Berkeley Lawson Lecture at the University of California, Wednesday April 16 5:30 p.m. in the Banatao Auditorium of Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS). More information at
Alumni Jonathan Castro Geology HSU alum Jonathan Castro ('93, Geology) recently co-authored a paper that provides scientists with the first direct insight into the rocky lava known as obsidian flow. Castro, a professor at the University of Mainz in Germany, captured footage and images of a volcanic eruption in Chile in 2012. He and his colleagues found that contrary to popular belief, the lava kept moving more than a year after the eruption. The findings were published in recent issue of Nature Communications. For the BBC News article, visit
Submitted: November 18, 2013Staff Harvey Kelsey Geology Harvey Kelsey, a research associate in the Geology Department, has been named a fellow of the Geological Society of America. Honorees are nominated by existing GSA Fellows for their contributions to the geosciences. Contributions may include publications, applied research, teaching, administration of geological programs, public education, editorial, bibliographic and library responsibilities.
Kelsey was honored for using field investigations of coastal environments to make important contributions to our understanding of the history and processes of great subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis in Cascadia, Indonesia, New Zealand, and Japan.
Student Bobby Voeks Geology Geology student Bobby Voeks was recently accepted into the U.S. Geological Survey/National Association of Geoscience Teachers Cooperative Field Training Program. The USGS/NAGT program is the longest continuously running internship program in the earth sciences. Bobby will work as a hydrologic technician measuring sediment inputs into the Chesapeake Bay. He will be based at USGS headquarters in Reston, VA.
Submitted: May 17, 2013Student Claudia Velasco Geology Geology student Claudia Velasco recently accepted a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) Summer Internship studying glacial sedimentology in Brazil and surficial geology in west central, Minnesota for Native American women. Claudia will help an active research project on the origin and history of surficial deposits in west central Minnesota and the late Paleozoic glacial units of Brazil (the Itarare subgroup). Her research will focus on the influence of climate on ice stream movement, the significance of marine interaction and ice sheet grounding, and the nature of ice stream flow (sliding vs. deformation).
Submitted: May 17, 2013Student Michelle Robinson Geology Geology student Michelle Robinson was recently accepted into the U.S. Geological Survey/National Association of Geoscience Teachers Cooperative Field Training Program. The USGS/NAGT program is the longest continuously running internship program in the earth sciences. Michelle will be based in Portland, OR working with USGS scientists on water-quality conditions in the Columbia River Basin. He work will focus on "toxics," including anthropogenic-indicator compounds, pharmaceuticals, PBDEs, pesticides and legacy compounds.
Submitted: May 17, 2013Student Erin Quinn Geology Erin Quinn recently accepted a Smithsonian Graduate Student Fellowship at the National Museum of Natural History. Erin will conduct high-temperature, high-pressure experiments on rocks from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic National Park. Erin’s work will be the first experimental phase equilibrium study on Chaos Crags and will provide important constraints on magma storage conditions at Chaos Crags. This is important for better understanding the volcanic hazards within Lassen Park.
Submitted: May 17, 2013Student Kelly Morgan Geology Geology student Kelly Morgan will serve as seasonal hydrologic technician with the Rocky Mountain Research Station for summer 2013. Kelly will conduct surveys of geomorphic features in the Upper East Fork Weiser River in central Idaho using GPS and other methods. She will use the Geomorphic Road Assessment and Inventory Package (GRAIP), a process and set of tools for analyzing the impacts of roads on forested watersheds. GRAIP combines a detailed road inventory with a powerful GIS analysis tool set to predict road sediment production and delivery, mass wasting risk from gullies and landslides, and road hydrologic connectivity.
Submitted: May 17, 2013Student Joe Camacho Jr. Geology Geology student Joe Camacho Jr. received the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) Summer Internship. Joe will use surface observations to search for blind (subsurface) faults in the North American platform in central Tennessee. He will present his summer research at the fall meeting of the Geological Society of America in Vancouver, BC.
Submitted: May 17, 2013Student Kyle French Geology Geology professor Sue Cashman and Kyle French (’11, Geology) have received a mention in the third edition of Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions, a collegiate, structural geology textbook. The text explores the on-the-ground research conducted by undergraduates in Cashman’s structural geology class, as they assess damage to Ferndale Cemetery caused by the 6.5 magnitude earthquake that struck off the North Coast in January, 2010. In his senior thesis, French took that research further by comparing the directions of the toppled grave-site monuments to the likely direction of the seismic waves that caused the damage.
Submitted: December 19, 2011Faculty Lori Dengler, Bud Burke Geology Professors Lori Dengler and Bud Burke are among the scientists featured in a new book about the Cascadia Subduction Zone published by HarperCollins in Canada and Counterpoint Press in the U.S. in April 2011. Cascadia’s Fault is a history and a cautionary tale of the West Coast’s most dangerous place—and the scientists who are solving its deadly mysteries.
Submitted: September 7, 2011Faculty Lori Dengler Geology Lori Dengler presented a paper "The Effects of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami on the California Coastline" (with 22 co-authors including HSU Geology grad student Amanda Admire) at the Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting in Memphis, Tennessee April 15.
Submitted: April 22, 2011Faculty Lori Dengler, Hans Abramson-Ward, Carrie Garrison-Laney, Gary Carver Geology Lori Dengler, HSU Geology alums Hans Abramson-Ward and Carrie Garrison Laney, and Geology emeritus professor Gary Carver were co-authors with Curt Peterson and Ken Cruikshank on a paper "Evaluation of the use of paleotsunami deposits to reconstruct inundation distance and runup heights associated with prehistoric inundation events, Crescent City, southern Cascadia margin" in the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. (DOI:10.1002/esp.2126)
Submitted: April 22, 2011Faculty Lori Dengler Geology The paper "Effects of Harbor Modification on Crescent City, California’s Tsunami Vulnerability" authored by Lori Dengler and Burak Uslu (NOAA) was published in the journal Pure and Applied Geophysics.
Submitted: April 18, 2011Student Leslie Scopes Anderson, Dr. William Miller Geology HSU student, Leslie Scopes Anderson recently completed a beginner's fossil guide for Humboldt County entitled "Unearthing Evidence of Creatures form Deep Time". The work details five sites in our area where ancient marine fossils can be found, complete with maps, photos, descriptions and directions. It will be used for fossil classes in the geology dept., and is also available for download by any student at the Geology website. The project took three semesters to complete, under the direction of Dr. William Miller.
Submitted: March 7, 2011Faculty Lori Dengler Geology Lori Dengler represented the United States at the 7th International Workshop on Coastal Disaster Prevention, held January 26 - 28 in Tokyo Japan and presented a paper "Building Tsunami-Resilient Communities in the United States".
Submitted: January 31, 2011